Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Non-Fiction, Self-Help/Improvement

A book on decluttering and organizing based on the KonMari method

Yes, you read right — even with all of my OCD tendencies – I read a book on organizing. I have to say it has its merits, some are overambitious, but definitely worth a try.

After reading the book, I thought the author was bold in saying decluttering would change your life; definitely didn’t believe it was a game changer. But here I am – two weeks later – finding myself tossing things in my house that don’t give me joy. I’m taking stock of my inventory and asking myself whether I’m ever going to use the item at hand. 9 out of 10 times, the item is being kept because of a flawed thought: it may come in handy down the road. For example, pajamas – I have a ton of pajamas that I don’t wear anymore yet am keeping them around in the event that maybe, just maybe, I’ll need them when I’m painting my house (true story). I can’t remember the last time I painted so why do I need to save something for an event that may or may not happen?