Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter

Fiction, Sci-Fi, Thriller/Mystery

Undercover philosophical read disguised as a sci-fi thriller 

What did I just read?! At the turn of every page, this was the question I kept asking myself. It’s difficult to concisely summarize this book without giving away parts of it so I’ll try my best to keep this description vague yet enticing. 

I purchased this book a few months ago but only recently read it as it was selected as my book club’s January read. All I have to say is damn — this book will make you think about whether or not you’re happy with life, about failed ambition, about being appreciative, about being grateful, about love, life, and family. The author hooks the reader within the first chapter. It’s hard to put this book down once you start. There are so many twists and turns; this book is a complete MIND FUCK

The protagonist, Jason, chooses a life where he didn’t pursue his career as a scientist but rather chose to have a family and put their needs above his own. One night, he gets kidnapped; the kidnapper asks, “Are you happy with your life?” and the next thing he knows, he ends up in a parallel universe where he chose his career aspirations over family. The book follows him as he grapples with what life could have been, what was, and which of the two he wants to live out.

While a fictional book, I was able to apply the reoccurring themes in this book to my life. The book made me think about parallel lives I could have had —  had I chosen to pursue law, married the misogynistic boyfriend, or moved out of New York. I don’t want to make it sound like Dark Matter changed my life but the book gave me a renewed sense of appreciation for the series of choices I’ve made. I’m one strong ass woman because of these choices and I don’t know who I would be had I chosen a different path.

If you’re looking for a quick read that’s a page turner and makes you question everything, this is it!

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